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derek g

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Oct. 13, 2015





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evo one needs a decryptor reset. SN#002804712339

greetings, evo one needs a count reset. ser#002804712339. tia


Remote programing with YELLOW light

2006 Chevy Avalanche EvoOne 441 remotes. Programed module to get the YELLOW light on with ignition. Trying to program remotes but no blue light on antenna and no flash/horn. YELLOW light just stays on.


Ram RCMAuto (160Pts.)


2013 ram 1500 chrt7 harness can not get module to work

ok Im still having programing issues, i can get to step 8 , i have only a solid blue light i have verified that i have 2.5v on each side of the can bus and i have 12v battery power on the yellow wire at the module with key in the crank position, yet i still only have the blue light on solid


Audi JW (190Pts.)


Suitable for 2023 A6

Is Fortin unavailable for 2023 A6? Why? Please let me know if you have any other similar product Just my wish that I can start the engine with lock*3.


Evo start Lte not working

Need some help. Bought Evo start. Programmed it correctly I'm sure as the blue light is solid. If I remote start or unlock/lock the doors with my fob it shows on the app. But I can't get the app itself to remote start, unlock or lock the doors. It will say it was successful but it wasn't. I'm lost. SN: 81043369783


2016 F-150 evo all can not program new key

I have 2016 F-150 my remote starter is Evo-all programed with Autostar fob. I got new Auto star fob or remote and I tried many ways to program it but it did not work at all. When I connect to Flashlink to my computer it does mention there is 1 key only. Please I need help ?


Evo all, Mazda 3, Thar maz1

The first unit was a fiasco. I decided to try with another, new fortin evo all, when programming keys at step 13 the red diode lights up. The firmware is the latest.


Skoda G M (16270Pts.)



Hello. I want to install autostart on 2024 SuperB. The brake pedal wire is located in the same place as in similar Volkswagens. When applying + to this wire, the brake light comes on... But it does not help with autostart. Is there another option?


EVO-ALL, 2017 Infiniti Q70, unable to get past step 7 (standalone with T-harness)

On step 7, brake pedal press turns on blue and red led, shortly after, red led does not stay on and turns off, only blue led stays on, unable to continue on to step 8. S/N: 001A07 670775


Audi A4 starts by itself after exiting vehicle and doors closed

Hello, I installed the evo all in my 2013 audi a4, with t harness. Programmed according to instructions. The issue I have is after driving vehicle, and exiting the vehicle, and closing door, without pressing the oem remote, the vehicle automatically starts by itself. I can turn it off with oem remote, but why does it start by itself?


Device flash limit reset request

Please reset Service # 001A06 555014 R to 0


Device flash limit reset request

Hello, Evo-All on a 2014 Hyundai Elantra standard key, Service Number: 001A06 357048 I need a flash limit reset please. Thank you!


Can you confirm that my EVO-Start subscription is active?

I'm having an issue getting my EVO-Start to function properly. Can you confirm that my subscription is active? SN 81043369828. Thank you


Hyundai Tucson horn wire

Can you please help me on 2015 Hyundai Tucson horn wire location I would like add Evo-one alarm. Thank you very much.


Horn wire

I were installed Evo-one on 2008 Honda Odyssey touring and would like install alarm but don't know the van horn wire location, can you kindly please show me where location of the horn wire. Thank you very much.


2017 Impreza orbit one Evo-All came in car used

Bought a used car with “Orbit One remote starter & alarm & bypass module”

Starter Vr: 7.1.21 , Evo-All Vr: 4.18

Serice No: 002B07 323505

Was bought without a remote start key, wondering if I am able to program a new key, or remove the entire system and have done by dealer



Tried installing an EVO ONE module in my 1993 Dodge Dakota. Manual Transmission. Got all necessary wires connected, module will power on, and allow me to program one remote. Afterwards, it will not respond to anything. The antenna LED will not come on, the module lights would alternate red, yellow, blue. Got the flashlink, updated the module, same thing. At a loss, any help appreciated...


Please reset device, I have reached my Dcryptor limit

Please reset my dcryptor limit. S/N: 001A07 029118


Starter kill relay wiring for a 2015 dodge Durango with a fortin evo one with thar-chry7 t harness

Starter kill relay wiring for a 2015 dodge Durango with a fortin evo one with thar-chry7 t-harness


Reset the programmed keys

Please tell me how to reset the programmed keys so that I can reprogram them?


Please reset device, I have reached my Dcryptor limit


Please reset I reached my Dcryptor limit

Can you please reset my device S/N 002B04 656401. I reached my Dcryptor limit while trying to reprogram. Thank you.


Fortin reset, key programming.

I made a mistake programming the keys again. How can I reset the unit and start over? I reset it and flashed it to version 71.47 but it didn't work. Dear derek g, please help me one last time. Reset my device S/N 001A07 026326 and key programming. Thanks


2014 acura rdx which t harness

Have a 2014 acura rdx with a push button start. The kit came with a THAR-ONE-HON1 T-Harness. However it seems that it is for key-to-start vehicles. Which T-Harness would work for my vehicle?


Evo-start LTE activate error

Can you please kindly help ? I have Evo-start LTE activated get error Device ID: 81033020777 Device passcode: 888888 Vehicle name : Toyota Corollar after enter all info then hit Activate and get activate error please help. Thank you.

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